Most of the time damage to clothing can be attributed to some form of consumer use. Even if you do not recall anything spilling on your garments, you may have come into contact with chemical agents throughout the normal course of your day. Try these tips below and do your part in preserving your fine garments:
- When getting dressed, always apply lotions, makeup and hair spray before you put on your clothing. The alcohol and other chemicals present can cause damage to your garment, which generally is not visible until after cleaning or aging on the fabric.
- Toothpaste can contain bleaches that not only remove stains from your teeth, but can remove color from your garments. Even a tiny amount of toothpaste can cause discoloration or the dye on your garment to be permanently changed.
- Garments that are worn directly against your skin such as dress shirts and blouses should be cleaned each time you wear them. After repeated use, soil and stains become much harder to remove and often become permanent.
- “Invisible” spills and stains often appear after a garment is cleaned. To avoid mysterious yellow and brown spots you should assist your drycleaner by detailing areas that may contain spillage that is no longer visible.
- Never, ever, rub a stain – blot the area dry only with a dry napkin and then stop! Rubbing can cause damage to the fiber and permanent discoloration to the affected area.
- Identify stains as oily or water-based, and never allow anyone to use water or club soda to attempt removal of a stain, no matter what the circumstances.
- The safest stain removal tip is to bring the garment into your drycleaner promptly for cleaning. Fresh stains are much more likely to be removed without damage to the garment.
- Be extremely careful when wearing fine delicate fabrics such as silk. Purses, jewelry or even coarse-textured coats can easily snag your favorite garment.
- Never store any garment unless it has been drycleaned or laundered first and all stains have been removed. Body oils, perspiration, invisible tannin stains, etc. are magnets for moths and destructive pests.
- The clear plastic garment bags that are used by your dry cleaner to prevent your garments from soil and poor weather conditions during transport. Remove the clear plastic bags immediately upon receipt and remember to leave the paper cape on to protect the shoulders of your garments from dust and sunspots.
Since 1926, Parkway Custom Drycleaning has been dedicated to providing extraordinary fabric care and to the education of our clients as to the most effective methods of caring for and cleaning their treasured garments and household fabrics. Contact Us today to get your dry cleaning done by the pros!